di Fabio Bernardi
loc. Alverà, 196
32043 Cortina d'Ampezzo
tel. +39 339 5094215
Iternational Mountain Leader

International Mountain Leader
Who has obtained the AMM professional qualification, has positively passed a selective test in which he had to demonstrate his technical and physical skills, orientation, knowledge and skills in moving in the mountain environment, even in adverse weather conditions and a test of alpine culture.
Then follows a professional training course organized by the Regional College of Alpine Guides, divided between lessons in the classroom and practical lessons directly in the mountains and natural environment, lasting 60 days including practical theoretical exams. Topics covered, First Aid and Alpine Rescue, BLSD, Botany, Zoology, Geology, Meteorology, Cartography, Topography, Orientation with the help of GPS, Compass, Altimeter, only with the use of Topographic Map, Hiking Techniques, Hiking and Safety .
Successfully passed the exams the AMM makes a request to the Regional College of Alpine Guides to be included in the special list of Accompanyers Medium Mountain . The AMM, if interested, has the possibility, following a further 100 hours training course and passing the final practical technical examination, to obtain the International Mountain Leader recognition that allows him to work abroad.
With the attendance of the course of AMM I had the opportunity to learn many small and big things that today allow me to read the territory, to read a geological map, to know the history of the Great War in the Dolomites, so I can tell you a lot of this natural environment preserved by the foresight of our mountain ancestors.