

di Fabio Bernardi

loc. Alverà, 196

32043 Cortina d'Ampezzo

tel. +39 339 5094215


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Excursions Lerosa


Tour of Lerosa


Start point; Dust in Cimabanche

Arrival point; San Ubertus (Turniche Ra Stua)

Travel time; 5/6

Trail sign; Cai n 8, Cai n 6.

Difference; Positive uphill 510 m, negative 600 m

Departure fee; 1520 asl

Arrival fee; 1430 asl

Maximum quota; 2020 asl

Departure at the former military powder keg in Cimabanche, follow a well-kept forest road all the way up, immersed in a peaceful pine forest, along this stretch of the path you will encounter the memories left by the Vaia storm.
During the climb, more or less steep sections alternate in the absence of long flat stretches, when you reach the top, the slope begins to decrease, the step becomes easier and you can admire even more the light that draws through the trees, we are reaching the wooded upper limit. We are about to scollinare, our gaze can finally sweep the horizon, between Croda rossa d'Ampezzo, Col Bechei, Altopiano di Fodara-Sennes-Biella, the Lavinores. We are in the high pasture of Ra Stua, called Lerosa, in this part of the territory we find the centuries-old Cirmoli d'Ampezzo.
Now continue downhill towards Ra Stua following an old military road, along this stretch of cercorso we will run into particular spots, if lucky we will have the opportunity to make some encounters with wildlife.
Shortly before reaching Ra Stua we will cross a forest of centuries-old fir trees, here we are at Malga Ra Stua, time for something warm or cool according to personal needs. We returned to the great inside another Pecceta that will accompany us along the splendid path that leads us to San Ubertus.
Advice; passing in the morning to reach the starting point it is advisable to leave here a means of transport for the recovery of the other.

A path that can satisfy many interests, botany, geology, in a natural, wild, fulfilling environment.

This route, given the positive difference in altitude to be tackled, is recommended for well-trained walkers, while technical skills are easy to walk.
Recommended hiking shoes, backpack, water, snacks, a change of clothes, rain jacket, first aid kit, inquire about the weather conditions of the day, climb up to 2720 meters above sea level.
Good walk.

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