

di Fabio Bernardi

loc. Alverà, 196

32043 Cortina d'Ampezzo

tel. +39 339 5094215


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Passo Falzarego-Forcella del Lago-Armentarola


Passo Falzarego-Forcella del Lago-Armentarola Hotel Sarè


Start point; Passo Falzarego

Arrival point; Armentarola Hotel Sarè

Travel time; 6.30 hours

Trail sign; Cai 401, Cai 20, Cai 20B, Cai 11, Troi de Meditazium

Difference; Positive 360 m, negative 1380 m

Departure fee; 2100 above sea level

Arrival fee; 1660 above sea level

Maximum quota; 2720 above sea level


Departure from the Falzarego Pass, 2100 meters above sea level,

ascent to the Lagazuoi with the cable car of the same name, coffee and 360 ° view to the Lagazuoi refuge at 2720 meters above sea level, following the Cai path you descend to the Forcella Lagazuoi, along a path that speaks of war, the museum outdoors of the Great War in the Dolomites, at the Lagazuoi fork, turn left and take the path that follows the old military road that descends to the center of the wide valley and continues to talk about the war, halfway across the border between Cortina and San Cassiano, leave the Ampezzo Dolomites Natural Park and enter the Fannes-Sennes-Braies Natural Park, where you will walk for the rest of the day, nothing changes in the natural protection of the environment, continuing along the Val de Lagacio you reach the homonymous lake, nestled between these beautiful Dolomites, looking upwards stands the imposing wall of the Cima Scotoni.
You start again following the path that you take on the right looking at the lake destination Forca del Lago, a path that climbs with a narrow serpentine the channel that separates the Cima Scotoni from the Piz dl Lech, a path of difficult maintenance supported by a succession of wooden Arcie and Dry walls, more or less halfway up a spur located on the left allows a wonderful view of the lake, overlooking it. Once you reach the Forca dl Lech, the magnificent glacial valley of Gran Plann opens up before you, dominated by the Piz dle Conturines and the Pize de Ciampestrin. The path continues downhill to the wide Valle de Gran Plann.
Take the path that leads to Armentarola on the left, passing through Col de Locia a natural terrace on Armentarola, a very relaxing place, in front we can admire the imposing Sella Group and the Queen Marmolada, up to here the path has developed into a quiet ups and downs with the crossing of two small streams, continues down the steps between the rocks where you can admire the rock flowers with a careful eye, you have to be careful along the entire stretch of the path, it is covered with a thin gravel that slides under the shoes. We pass through Capanna Alpina, and on a slight slope following the Tru de Meditazium path we reach the Hotel Sarè in Armentarola.
Return to Passo Falzarego either by car or bus.

A path that can satisfy many interests, such as the history of the Great War, botany, geology, in a natural, wild, fulfilling, relaxing environment. I remind you that the length is almost 13 km, with a drop in altitude of 1,380 meters, uphill of 380 meters the estimated time is 6 hours and 30.

This route, although downhill, is recommended for well-trained walkers, you can travel almost 13 km and in any case the muscles of the legs are burdened by our weight with each step, the path is not so trivial, it requires a good knowledge, ability to walk in the mountains.
Recommended hiking shoes, backpack, water, snacks, packed lunch, a change of clothes, rain jacket, first aid kit, inquire about the weather conditions of the day, climb up to 2700 meters above sea level.
For the return to the Falzarego pass, it is recommended to inquire well on the timetables of the SAD buses.
Good walk.

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