

di Fabio Bernardi

loc. Alverà, 196

32043 Cortina d'Ampezzo

tel. +39 339 5094215


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Tour of Nuvoal-Averau from Bai de Dones

Agordo Valley, Panorama
Limedes Lake with Lagazuoi

Bai de Dones-Col Gallina-Bai de Dones

Start point; Bai de Dones

Arrival point; Bai de Dones

Travel time; 4 hours

Trail sign; Cai 439, Cai 441, Cai 419, Cai 424

Positive height difference; 310 m

Negative height difference; 660 m

Departure fee; 1889 asl

Arrival fee; 1889 asl

Maximum quota; 2750 asl


Departure from Bai de Dones at an altitude of 1889 asl,

using the 5 Torri chairlift, climb up to the Scoiattoli Refuge at 2245 asl. Follow the path that starts on the right going down from the chairlift towards the refuge Nuvolao, a path that climbs first among green meadows and then, once reached the lower limit of Mount Nuvolao continues on its rocks, in this second stretch there are many tracks to follow, the what to do is to look ahead and choose the most favorable line for us, do not forget that the vertical line is undoubtedly the shortest but requires much more force to advance, we recommend advancing in a zig zag. By sipping your strength, you reach the terrace of the Rifugio Nuvolao, one of the enchanting terraces in the Dolomites, here we can touch them with your hand, the best known peaks of the Dolomites, Marmolada, Pale di San Martino, the Agner, the Civetta, the Pelmo, the Antelao, the Sorapis, the Cristallo, the Tofane, the Lagazuoi. Below the foothills of Monte Pore and Cernera, formed by volcanic sediments, the Giao Pass, known to cycling enthusiasts, the Nuvolso refuge managed by the Siorpaes family is the oldest refuge in the Dolomites, built by the CAI 137 years ago was the distant 1883 , it starts again going down the same path up to the signpost indicating Rifugio Averau, altitude 2415 and continue on the path that passes behind the top station of the Potor chair lift up to Forcella Averau. We continue on a very beautiful and particular path since it passes near and inside the gorges and leads us to Lake Limedes, a snowy lake constantly fed by rainwater, a lake which surrounds Piccolo Lagazuoi, Croda Negra, Mount Averau and the Tofana di Rozes. At the opposite limit of the lake towards Lagazuoi continue straight, after a few meters the path starts to descend and soon you arrive near the Col Gallina refuge, here the path turns right, downhill there in a large open clearing, Pian dei Menis . At the bottom of the clearing, after crossing the bridge, we follow the connecting track between Col Gallina and Bai de Dones, paying attention to the wet bogs that we will find along the way.
An interesting route for the panoramas seen from different angles, gastronomic for those who want to taste the superb dishes offered in the various refuges, part of the route of the Delicios Trail.
This route is of medium difficulty, the positive height difference is addressed in the first part, there are various vanishing points to shorten the route, varied medium difficulty track. It can also be addressed in the opposite direction.
Recommended hiking shoes, backpack, water, snacks, a change of clothes, rain jacket, first aid kit, inquire about the weather conditions of the day.
Good walk.

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